Archive for July 1, 2009

Richmond Park Light

Posted in art, london, moods, photo, Photography, relax, richmond park, travel, Uncategorized, walks, wildlife, writing with tags , , on July 1, 2009 by Wabisabipix

Rutting Stag Few places in the London area provide as much pleasure as a carefree stroll in Richmond Park on the outskirts of Kingston upon Thames and Richmond upon Thames with a camera in hand.It reaches its peak activity when the deer rutting season begins in late September and early October when the call of the Stag echo through the ancient oak forests and the Primeval displays begin in earnest as the Stag compete for their harems and territory.Stag Rutting in the Richmond Park Fog Richmond Park consists of 955 hectares of urban park that is approximately 3 times the size of New York Central Park  and is full of wildlife ranging from the herds of Fallow and Red deer to all variety of birds and also Green Parakeets (released in error while filming a Jimmy Hendrix video as urban legends say).Its name changed to Richmond Park by Henry the VII  it  became the home to Charles  I to escape the Plague that swept across London.It was at the time closed to the public (who still liked to sneak over the walls with a ladder or two).It has been the home to Lord John Russell the Prime minister in 1847 and consequently his son the late philosopher Bertrand Russell who loved the views over the Thames from the Pembroke Lodge .The Highest Point in the park is Henry VIII mound where it is said that Henry used its vantage point to view the smoke rising indicating the execution of his wife Anne Boleyn.Photographically I find it best carrying a 300mm either an F4 or a heavier f2.8 and a wide angle while roaming the area.The Deer are reasonably approachable but can be dangerous during the rutting season.This however is the time to get the best pictures as the Stags are at their majestic best with full racks of antlers so a good long lens is the best choice.Early mornings can also be superb in  September or October when the mist provides a stunning scene for the grand battles for dominance with stag breathing  heavily in the cold air and covered in mud and excrement trying to look  their best. There are several  other areas of note and well worth a visit.The Isabella Plantation Richmond park The Isabella Plantation Richmond park.Parakeets in Richmond park The Isabella Plantation in  spring is an almost Shangrilla like place where the multicoloured plants are awe inspiring and you almost feel as if the local wildlife are surprised that you have wondered in on their little kingdom where the mask is off and they are back stage hanging out and relaxing  before the next show. In Springtime the park is the stage for new life and it fills with birds and Rabbits showing off their new born to the world.The Pen ponds is one of the best places to relax and view these new arrivals, a good telephoto lens in the region of a 300mm or a 70-200mm f 2.8 is your best bet and its also a great place to relax with the family and perhaps fly a kite or have a picnic while watching the world go by.Cycling and horse riding  are very popular in the park and there are many facilities.You may even spot the odd celebrity wandering by.It really is a great escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Pen Ponds Richmond park

Pen Ponds Richmond park

Be prepared by carrying a small pack with a waterproof jacket,water and good shoes as the park is very large but its dotted with places for refreshments etc. I have just started a personal gallery of images from various places including Richmond park so please feel free to visit and take a look and I hope it provides you with as much pleasure as it has for me taking the images and perhaps inspire you to do the same. All the best. Heron At pen Ponds Richmond Park             Sheen gate View Richmond park Heron at the Pen Ponds Richmond Park and the view from Sheen Gate.

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Bon Voyage!

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